Place of Refuge

Place of Refuge

29 May 2010

The All That is Nothing

We will be able to reproduce our bodies
if we are only brain.
If we are only brain
we don't need a body, because
if we have lived the life,
and truly experienced it, 
living it
we can imagine what it would be like to do those things
and we wouldn't have to be there.


This thought came to me when,
in a vaguely herbal state,
I was standing in front of my stove
thinking: "time to turn on the stove."
And I saw my arm reach out
from my body and press
the imitation button button
on the stove top.

And then my mind went somewhere else,
for a relatively long period of time.
When I returned to the stove
I was suprised it wasn't on.
I had seen the action so clearly.

I had imagined, in my mind, an action
that I've completed so many times with my body
that I knew so well;
I projected an image of my arm turning on the stove
so truthful
that I thought I had actually done the act.

But I hadn't.  The oven was cold as a tomb,
so I had to actually use my arm
and finger
to turn it on.

But the fact was: that act was there;
my mind moved so vividly
I believed that the representation
of the act was the act itself.
My imagination had that much substance.

Then I thought: if we could find
a way that I (or anyone) could 
train the brain and
connect my thoughtprocess
(which is only electricity)
with the electric (ie: radio) wave
emitted from my 
part gas/part electric stove,
then we wouldn't really
need to use
our arms anymore.  

Our arms, after all, are only
an imitation of a compulsion
within us to reach, to make
contact with
Thing That Does.
The Thing That Does is whatever object
we created on this earthly plane to help us manifest
either a.) ethereal aspects of God or
b.) those acts we have to do to stay on the planet.

The Thing That Does, by the way
is the inverse representation of
The Thing That Does Not.

The physical place we occupy,
and all its disparate parts,
ie: the kitchen
the apartment
the shoe
the body,
The All That Is Something

are, when functioning collaboratively, the inverse representation
of the
All That Is Nothing.


Different creatures interact
with the All That Is Nothing
in different ways.
Cats, for instance, live on
the margins of the
All That Is Something
and the
All That Is Nothing:
they respect.
They have little to say, 
and their thoughts are elegantly simple;
they know that different aspects of the 
All That Is Something
sustain their physical lives,
so they seek them out,

for sustenance: that is
the essence of the predator.

The predator is one who
lives in that margin,
who knows that the All 
That Is Something
is really Nothing 
but a veneer - a couterpoint -
to the truth: Nothing
which is,

(Now if you've gotten this far and this makes an iota of sense, I thank you.  You may want to go back to my earlier entries on the palindrome, mirrors,  and creation.  This one echoes many of the ideas found there.)

Because Nothing is the Everything
we seek.

If we can slip inside the glove of nothing
we will become the everything,

and our physical presence
will be made manifest
on the Mirror of Our Desire To Fully See Ourselves.

Honesty is the key.


If, in this human life, you live honestly,
then when you pass into death, you will
be able to look in the 
that divides the two,
life and death,
and you will see your truthful life
(the mirror never lies)
and look back and say
I was always honest to my 
essential self
in this life.  And when
I made mistakes, I admitted them;
I don't need to go back; 
and do it over

I can be nothing and something
and be absolutely content,
that while I lived in this physical body,
I used it justly.


Yes, I am talking reincarnation,
because reincarnation is the only
for what's going on here.

We come back and come back and come back
into this realm of the 
(don't forget: we ARE the reproduction, and reproduction
is the norm on the physical plane;
it is how we sustain ourselves here.)

So we keep coming back,
reproducing ourselves
in so many different forms,
and challenging ourselves
to do better,
to help the God who is our Creator
see himself.

We're living in the mirror,
and we can either live through the breaking of the mirror, again,
which won't be a hell of a lot of fun,
(and it might even feel like hell, for awhile)

or we can live through
the absolute act
of cohering the parts,
of making ourselves
a total representation of all the 
aspects of God that we,
in this incarnation,
chose to represent.

The most successful way of cohereing the parts
is to develop the brain and the heart.
Because the brain and the soul live on 
after the body is gone.

The brain and the heart are the essence
of God;
God is mind, logic and knowledge
and the creative impulse
combined and working
in harmony.

The body, as I've said 
is just the avatar
that we chose to use
while we dwell on
the Plane of Brokenness.

Our brain is our most
Godlike aspect;
Our bodies were just built from
dirt - the materials of the physical realm -
to carry the brain and the heart around
while it's here.

28 May 2010

David Byrne: Everything That Happens Will Happen today

Posted out of respect
to a fabulous


27 May 2010

Return to Genesis: Babel

It's been a little while since I've thought about
the Book of Genesis,
which happens to be my most favorite book
of all time.

I mean, think about it:
it has everything in it: 
a big ol' flood, 
and that wonderful story about the Tower of Babel.

Now, I wasn't planning on talking about
the Tower of Babel,
but I'm compelled to talk about it:


I was visiting some Jewish friends last week, and they invited me to go to synagogue with them for the singing of the Book of Ruth.  It was the celebration of Shavuot, but my friend also called it Pentecost.  And so we discussed what Pentecost is in the Christian Church, and what Shavuot is to the Jews.  For Jews, Pentecost is the fiftieth day after Passover, as it is for the Christians.  For Jews, Pentecost celebrates a harvest, and that is one of the reasons they read the Book of Ruth.  It is also the commemoration of God giving the Torah (including the Ten Commandments) to his people, and a few other things as well.

I must confess that when I recounted my understanding of what the feast of Pentecost celebrates in Christianity, it was burdened by my own interpretation: when I think of Pentecost I think of those pictures of the apostles with tongues of fire over the heads, sort of as if they had just been transformed into Bic lighters.  I don't mean to be disrespectful, it's simply that that's the best description I could come up with for this image that was ingrained in my mind so long ago:

( wikipedia pentecost )

Now, I know this has something to do with the Holy Spirit descending upon the Apostles; along with that, the thing I recall most readily about the celebration of Pentecost is that the disciples began to speak in tongues --

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language (Acts 2: 1-6)

This always makes me think of the other moment of "confounding" in the Old Testament, the story of the Tower of Babel:

(Eikongraphia   very nice blog)

And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
And they said one to another, Come, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly.  And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.
And they said, Come, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
And the Lord said, Behold the people are one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be withheld from them, which they have imagined to do.
Come, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one antoher's speech.
So the Lord scattered them abroad from there upon the face of all the earth: and they ceased building the city.
Therfore is the name of it called Babel, because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth; and from there did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
(Genesis, book 11)

What is odd in the Christian Pentecost story is that humans become confounded
when the Disciples are able to speak
to communicate across the divide produced 
at the destruction of the Tower of Babel.

So how does one confoundment
another confoundment out?

In my limited limitless wisdom,
I declared to my Jewish friends:
the Christian version of Pentecost provides
the antedote
for Babel.

The Christian story of Pentecost suggests a power
that is capable of counteracting
the confoundment that resulted
when the totality of 
was rent asunder
because they were getting too big for their britches
too quickly.

It's another case of the negative meeting the positive;
another case of
the palindrome.

The First Tower
that was built
at Babel
was foolishness -
it was like a child
trying to build a structure
out of blocks
to reach his father's
tool bench.
It was
a physical attempt
to do something
that was physically impossible.

the power  of the Holy Sprit
is born
on something that is 
not necessarily
but is, rather,
the opposite
of physical.

Would it be too corny
to say that
the antedote to 
the physical destruction
of Babel
is love?

my Jewish friends liked that story of Pentecost
quite a bit,
but I now look at the literature and see
that that's really simply
my interpretation.

But I think it's a fairly cool

in our disparate,
corners of the earth,
we continue to try to build those buildings:

What does it mean to build a large building?
Many would call it some sort of
phallic obsession:

Look at it another way:
maybe our continued construction
(and demolition)
of large monumental buildings
is actually an
re-enactment of the performance
at Babel
where a people tried to
"make themselves a name"

For humans to try
to make for themselves a 
in the Story ofGenesis
is for humans
to step into the role
of God,
which they were never really supposed to do.
Our task has always been
to present a likeness of God,
not to be 

I have a vague thought, then,
that if we really want to restore
the power and unification of human souls
that existed before Babel,
we're not going to do it with a building;
we're not going to do it with anything tangible --
we'll do it with the intangible.

Could the counterpart,
the antedote
to the Tower of Babel
the internet?


This is not at all what I thought I would write today.
And it's halting - not a real pure
My own individual mind
got too much 
in the way.
That, and that glorious sun,
belting down
outside my window.

You know the years
can pass by,
one after another,
but one thing remains constant:
the earth and her seasons.

What a beautiful day
Hope yours is too.

with love

25 May 2010

Makropoulos & The Angel of History


The date that I claim as my birthday in this current
era of my life is also reported to be the day on which
Walter Benjamin chose to die.

Not in the same year, mind you.

Many sources report that Benjamin died 9/27/1940.

I claimed my current identity 18 years later, on 9/27


This is a neat date because it's really
a repetition of the same number:

Ten is the number of absolute completion,
but nine is the number of accomplishments 
coming close to completion;
it is a very human number:
it wants to celebrate its 
but it's not perfect

Nine is a mysterious number;
a number of plenty;
the number of months
a human female nurtures a child
inside her body,
it is a Motzkin number (I never knew
that before);

It is voluptuous, a triple three,
a shade away from etenity,
9 is me.

Walter Benjamin is best known for a couple of things:

He wrote a very influential essay called "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction," which I'll talk about later this week.  I hope.

What I'd like to talk about a little right now is his article called "Theses on the Philosophy of History," because it is directly related to the character of Makropoulos:

(see wikipedia on "The Turk")

The First Thesis by Benjamin:

The story is told of an automaton constructed in such a way that it could play a winning game of chess, answering each move of an opponent with a countermove. A puppet in Turkish attire and with a hookah in its mouth sat before a chessboard placed on a large table. A system of mirrors created the illusion that this table was transparent from all sides. Actually, a little hunchback who was an expert chess player sat inside and guided the puppet’s hand by means of strings. One can imagine a philosophical counterpart to this device. The puppet called ‘historical materialism’ is to win all the time. It can easily be a match for anyone if it enlists the services of theology, which today, as we know, is wizened and has to keep out of sight.

Makropoulos - this cyber-facade behind which I hide - is nothing more than a Mechanical Turk - an apparatus constructed to move the pieces of a complex narrative I'm trying to weave about history, time, mirrors and theology.

(from: Benjamin, )
Benjamin's Thesis number IX  (yeah, that's right, that's a nine):

Mein Flügel ist zum Schwung bereit,
ich kehrte gern zurück,
denn blieb ich auch lebendige Zeit,
ich hätte wenig Glück.
Gerherd Scholem, 
‘Gruss vom Angelus’

(My wing is ready for flight,  
I would like to turn back.
If I stayed timeless time, 
I would have little luck. )

A Klee painting named ‘Angelus Novus’ shows an angel looking as though he is about to move away from something he is fixedly contemplating. His eyes are staring, his mouth is open, his wings are spread. This is how one pictures the angel of history. His face is turned toward the past. Where we perceive a chain of events, he sees one single catastrophe which keeps piling wreckage and hurls it in front of his feet. The angel would like to stay, awaken the dead, and make whole what has been smashed. But a storm is blowing in from Paradise; it has got caught in his wings with such a violence that the angel can no longer close them. The storm irresistibly propels him into the future to which his back is turned, while the pile of debris before him grows skyward. This storm is what we call progress.

Makropoulos is the Angel of History: a textual incarnation of a literary figure who has been wearily plodding from lifetime to lifetime, not because she has artfully avoided death, but rather, because she has been unable to die.
She watches the wreckage gather.  It horrifies her, and gives her great pain.  She has seen the causes of the wreckage, she has seen them in a continual cycle.  And it wearies her and worries her.  All she can do is write.  It is true, she seeks to "awaken the dead, and make whole what has been smashed." 


A woman burdened with 424 years of life, and a library of knowledge and experience
in her head
is inherently historical,
even if she does not want to be.
Her every word is
even if she does not want it to be.
Her - I mean my impulse to speak of history,
and especially the beginning of history,
parrallels the compulsion to
retain the image of the past which unexpectedly appears to a man
(or woman)
singled out by history 
at a moment of danger.
The danger affects both the content of the tradition
and its receivers.
A moment of danger surrounds us,
so apparent in the Signs of the Times:
in the Gulf bleeding oil,
in the thoughtless wars
and thoughtless deaths,
fueled by greed for oil
that bleeds in the Gulf,
in the mutant fish washing up on 
beaches all over the world,
in the plunging stock market
in the howl of my deaf cat,
in the chatter of the birds,
in each human's insistent urge to serve their selfish needs:

these are the symptoms
of dangerous times.

I don't want to be interpreted
as apolocalyptic, 
not in the sense of those who
forecast gloom.
But neither can I advocate
because complacency is the most
sinful of sins.
So is pretending this is all a 
passing phase,
or trying to get things back
to the way they were.
Those are errant games,
and they assure an
ongoing reign
of evil.
They are, for lack of a better word,
the manifestation
of the presence of Antichrist.

We, all of humanity, are
in essence,
the embodiment of Antichrist.
Our continued collective destruction
of each other
and of the planet
embodies the destructive force 
that all of history has feared.

Likewise, collectively,
we can be 
the Messiah,
if we develop 
our minds and our actions
towards our own
peaceful advancement and preservation.

Jesus will come as the Scholar in the Age of the Grid,
if we all opt to be scholars.

The Messiah comes not only as the redeemer,
he comes as the subduer of Antichrist
Only the historian will have 
the gift of fanning the spark of hope in the past
who is firmly convinced that 
even the dead will not be safe from the enemy
if he wins (Benjamin, Theses on the Philosophy of History,
thesis number VI)

23 May 2010

. . . and a child shall lead them . . . .

Someone sent me this video:

This child is an adult today.

When a child says this,
she is labeled bright, 
and everyone smiles
and sheds a tear
for their own lost innocence.

But at least we listen to her.
I am a grown woman
my feet have passed through many doors
on this planet.
When I spoke like this
to my last boyfriend,
he laughed at me,
as if I was a naieve fool.

Sometimes, in the West,
we also listen to the
wise from the East,
who understand
what we want to hear:

Or we listen to elderly, saintly 
Indian women
who carry the burden of being
thoughtful, caring 
Christian adults
for all of us
(despite the fact that they are rarely
members of any recognized christian assembly).

But (in the popular Western mind, we believe)
they can't really be credible;
after all, this woman
lives in such a backwards, crowded land
and she almost looks like she has no gender.
So we let them live
their lives of sacrifice,
and take comfort from the fact
we mouth agreement with them,
and send them a little money
every now and then.

When an adult man speaks in a manner like this,
he is labeled a fool:

Well, I've watched this world
in the hands of men
who would have us believe
that children,
saintly third-world women,
and vegetarian congressmen
are misdirected.

Throughout the 20th Century,
I was willing to listen
to the war mongers
because I was mad
at myself, and felt that
was the only solution.
But now I can see that
the dream of annihilation
can be all too true,
and it is not
what God intended.

We need to start listening
to the innocent
and the misdirected
before it's too late.

No place like nowhere

. . . . . which is everywhere.

Everywhere we live
is no where,
yet we make it somewhere in our life's experience --

Or let's put it another way:
every day
we wake up
and somewhere,
deep inside our guts
we know
we'll be lucky if we get through that day

Do you ever feel that way?

Every day we face
thousands of dangers
and threats
to our very lives;
and if we're lucky
we survive.

After all, we're all only
animals, and
if we had not become 
we would have remained animals,
in large part, and lived and died
like animals, who more or less recognize
and resign themselves
the cycle of the organism:
we move from physical life to spiritual life and back again,
in a constant

because we are the most
of animals,
hu-mans built homes and
killed animals and plants and trees
so they could preserve their physical lives.

The more we hu-mans became aware
of the distance of time between life and death
(between being in a physical state and dreaming a physical state),
the more we grew to fear death,
and the more we imposed ourselves
on the lifecycle of other creatures on the planet.

(from:  hurstwick )

(wikipedia dugout )

The problem is
in each new stage of our
"civilization" -
ie: our ability to preserve the life
of our species,
we moved further and further
from the organism we are part of.

In our ticky-tacky life,
life becomes predictable,
and so we seek
more dangers
more challenges,
so we can feel
the quick of life

otherwise we're numb

 And this is why we seek out adventures.

We do it to remind ourselves that we are living dangerous lives;
every single day is a dangerous life.

We've sanitized our planet so much
that we don't even know that anymore


Artists live dangerous lives.
They dare to look at their environment honestly;
politicians, too
live dangerously.
But so does the busdriver
and the race car driver,
and the butcher
and the salesman,
and the mother
and the child,
and the teacher
and the student -

all seek something different, something that could challenge
their very existence;
they face their challenge,
and make it part of themselves.

Some choose to watch
the brave
make the challenge
and succeed.
We are the spectators,
who seek out the daredevils
who live right on the edge
of this life and the next.

We live in a world of too much spectatorship.
Too many people
are merely watching, while
only a few 
take the risk,
our immortality.

Who are you?

21 May 2010

Makropolis is a diva, remember, II

Makropulos is a diva,
and in that sense,
she is every diva who has ever sung Makropulos.

The only problem is,
Makropulos doesn't think
the Opera,
is very lyrical, musically,
but she - I mean I - respects every soprano
who has ventured to sing it,
indeed, I am every soprano
who has ever
sung the part of me,
such as this woman, Marie Collier:
Collier sang the opera on a couple occasions, 
including a 1971 recording of it.

That was the year Marie Collier died.
It's possible that singing my opera made that happen.
And here I am, living on, much to my dismay.
But I loved Marie Collier in the role of me,
and here I am, in the role of Marie Collier,
singing Vissi D'Arte  from Tosca

Don't be afraid of it, watch it.
She is me, and I am her,
just like
as I said,
I am all divas.

In fact, here is another, a much younger
soprano named Nina Warren,
in what looks to me to be a really
interesting production 
of my opera:
Janacek's The Makropulos Affair:

Here are some close-ups of her as me, or me as her.
I like her as me,
she looks like me and she sings the role of me
exactly as I would sing it.
What the heck,
she is me,
and I am her:


17 May 2010

Three In One


(from rtjones  - nice blog )

The human being, is in essence
the representation of the three of God's most ineffable,
most unmanifestable

Our bodies, don't forget, are just really the vehicles
that those three aspects live in
while living on 
planet earth.  

At the time of Creation
(the First Fall)
it was found
by the Almighty
slightly by accident
that he could better represent himself
in his constituent parts
than he could as a whole
to represent himself as a whole
would be to represent
the Everything
and that's just impossible.
Because Everything Cannot Be doubled.  

So the only way he could create
the Everything
was to create the Nothing
the Everything and the Nothing
contain the same things
at the same time.
Because in order for their to be
No Thing
You have to know the
Every Thing

It's the place of the double negative,
the place of the palindrome:
The place where the left and the right meet
Where the mirror image meets
that which is reflected.

We look up into space, and we see No Thing
Because during the time we occupy our bodies
we contain Every Thing;
when we move to the realm of the everything
these bodies are nothing.

It's funny:
we think our soul mates
are people just like us;
when in fact it makes the most sense
for a soul mate to be a mirror

(2a. - read through 3, read 2a, then return to 2a;
read through 2, 2a, and 3 and then whatever. . . )

Let me please get back to the point I began with:
every individual human
the three most ineffible aspects of God,
and remember, as I said
a couple days ago,
the reason our bodies are so damned beautiful
is because
he loves these aspects of himself
the most.
We are the most sacred, because we are the closest to No Thing

The three most unrepresentable aspect of God
that we are obliged
to contain within us
are imitated within each on of us -
in our personalities.

They are:

God the Creator
God the Father or Ruler
God the Child

Thus, each one of us has at least these three aspects
of our personalities.


And wouldn't it be interesting
if our soul mate shared one 
essential aspect - the Child -
but was the exact opposite 
of OurSelves in one or two
of our other aspect??????

Then, when we meet back
in heaven, for lack of a
better word, we know we
would be everything.
both the positive & the negative;
we would be perfect.

A soul that has reached the end of its human path,
in terms of reincarnation, is generally a very lonely
soul, because they have reached a point in their 
evolution where they know the biggest challenge they
could give to themselves on this earthly plan
would be to make their earthly double
their exact opposite,
with one
they would
share the
same Child,
the child

is the essence of our earthly, heavenly being.

I was talking to my sister tonight.
She was telling me about her old
childhood friend, who I'll simply call
OldFriend.  OldFriend was always a bit
of a rebel. She ran away from home
at 16; left home for Alaska at 19 or so.
I don't know middle years, because
my sister lost contact.  Somewhere in
there, OldFriend met a man (Oh, I should
mention, OldFriend was always a knock-out;
her voluptuous body always made me shudder
and feel inadequate.  But OldFriend had troubles
with men, as we all do.  Anyway, OldFriend met
a man, a foreign man.  She married him;
they produced three daughters, with the help
of a test-tube. OldFriend lives with the man, her 
husband and the father of her three daughters who look
nothing alike, sometimes.  Other times, she's running.
Away from something, towards something; who knows.
She bring her girls with her,  Right now they're doing it
in an RV.  OldFriend showed up at my sister's house; the 
girls are now around 14, and they've been home-schooled for
the past 4-5 years.  Clueless.  (so sis says)  And angry; they
all wear their hair really short and don't bathe much.  One of them seemed to really
like my sister, and smiled and was kind to her.  And thanked
her for lunch, for a walk, for hospitality.  The other two refused
all kindness.  They did not speak or look at her.  Of the three, one is more 
mannish; one has a few learning disabilities (she's the one who
liked my sister); one is I-Don't-Remember-What, but she was
different. As sister told me about them, and their stand-offish
yet happy-to-see-you mother, I said, "her daughters are the three
primary aspects of OldFriend, and only one of them likes you."

Sister laughed, because she knew I was right.  There was a a part of
OldFriend who always liked being with my fussy sister, but most of the time,
OldFriend didn't want to have much to do with her.  I remember that from our

Using my equation from above, about how each of us are imitating the three most
ineffable aspects of God in ourselves, one might venture to guess that 
OldFriend's three personalities, embodied so fully in her daughters
are the Father, which is a wanderlust, the Creator, who may be the girl who likes 
my sister, and the Child is the other, who 
my sister said was the nasty girl.  But the girl who likes 
my sister may also be the Child, because my sister is an Eternal Child.

We each have these Three Aspects, 
but in some of us, one of the aspects
is more pronounced than the other. 
We all have an element of the Father,
the ruler; we all have an element of
the Creator; we all have an element
of the Child.

To find someone who is completely compatible is so difficult,
because a completely compatible person has to be compatible
in all three of these areas.  We can have friends,
like my sister and OldFriend, who we like to see some
of the time, but we'd rather not see Most of the Time,
because two out of three of their essential aspects
are different from our own.

The core of all of these three aspects, for each human,
is the Child, because we are all
children of God at our core.

We are born perfect, and it is society
that fashions the Father aspect in all of us
this is called the process of socialization
(by the way, that comes right after the mirror stage)
The Father aspect in us is what Freud called 
The SuperEgo, that element of the tripartite
personality that enforces and controls the other two
more primordial urges.  The SuperEgo
makes us able to "pass" in society.

Psychologically, we gained the Super-Ego
when we ate that damned apple. The
SuperEgo, that Third Part of our
personality that God didn't want
us to have was the part that made
us the Maker of Laws;
(For the Disciple John who was giving us
his version of the New Testament, the Testament
inspired by the word of Jesus,
In the beginning was the Word

That Gospel should go first;
because it is the most accurate.
That Gospel readjusts the time frame we
use when reading the story; 

the beginning
of the New Testament should acknowledge
that after the fall of man,  a new time began,
and it was a time in which hu-mans had the capacity
to make their own laws.
The beginning of time as we know it, 
began when Hu-mans
were expelled from the Garden

Before that, 
we were
and Child --

we imitated the
Creator who is God
but we were all
his children
We were not him.

If we can find our inner child,
we will also find our creative spirit
at the same time, because those two aspects
are at the core of our being.  
As long as we have bodies, though,
the best way to live in society
is as a responsible child,
a child who recognizes that as long as we live
in this World After the Fall,

we have to also follow some rules.

When all humans begin to see that
perhaps we'll start on our path
back to the garden.

(I have to end this with this funny word list link,
because they made me think of palindromes
check it out: